Thursday 27 January 2011

Home Groan - Baxter Theatre

Home Groan - Starring Kurt Schoonraad
Directed by Rob van Vuuren

I was fortunate enough to be offered tickets to see Home Groan yesterday, and being the party person I am, hubby and I were off to the Baxter Theatre in a flash. I was pleasantly surprised at the position and the condition of the theatre, despite the restaurant being closed for renovations. We were there early and parked inside for the grounds "only R10". We sat outside and enjoyed a glass of red wine, while waiting for our hosts to arrive with our tickets.

Just after 8pm we made out way into to the theatre and took our seats right at the back. It turned out that the show was being filmed for the making of the DVD, so there was a period of "filling" up the front rows so all looked good on film. I had never heard of Kurt Schoonraad before and sat eagerly awaiting his arrival on stage.

The start of the show was cleverly done, with two screens showing various video clips of people having a moan about whats wrong in Cape Town.  I couldn't make it all out as the sound didn't really carry to our seats but there was a young guy who was more "bleeps" then words who was pretty funny. The video ended with Kurt walking into the Baxter and "appearing" on stage.

The show started off a little slow, but Kurt soon found his stride, "literally with some of the gags" One of my favorites of the evening was the Virgin Active Gym sketch. The humor was very "Cape Colored" but not cliche. Kurt had his own style of delivering the gags, and kept the pace rolling. I notice he is described as the "rubber faced comic" to be honest this was a little lost on the back row, but I may well buy the DVD and get a close up at what he was up to.

The end came a little to soon for me. All in all a great mid week night out. I'll be on the look out for more from Kurt in the future... Awe my broer

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