Monday 28 March 2011

Red Bull F1 Show Car "Brings the Noise" to Killarney

Friday saw the arrival of my gorgeous son for his school holidays. Hubby and I love planning special outings for his holidays with us, and this one got off to a very load and  spectacular start. This Sunday we attended the Red Bull F1 show car event at Killarney. A fellow race fan and friend of mine had booked us a table at Matadors to view the event, then on Thursday she found out that it had been moved to the Killarney race track. "In my humble opinion the right venue"  Not much stands between us and our F1 experience, so like true F1 fanatics we obviously watched the first race on TV,  "Well done Vettel", we packed our bakkie with cooler boxes, Son, Cape Town friend, other visiting Jhb friend and  headed out bright and breezy to the track.

Entrance was free, bonus! and Red Bull had done a sterling job of setting up temporary stands and organising foods stalls - Not bad at all considering the venue change on Thursday. On our way to the stands we passed the pits where we were treated to a sneak peek of the Red Bull car being assembled. There was also some fantastic customised cars lined up for photo's on the tarmac. By now my son was beside himself with excitement "as were we" We found what turned out to be a fantastic spot on the stands, right in front of the main stage, and set up camp.
F1 Dress up

I seem to be attracting mega hot weather whenever I  venture out of late, and Sunday was no exception. We sat waiting in the sun for what seemed like eternity waiting for something or someone to make an appearance. I must stress we were very early, we were there for 11.30am and the information my friend got from the track was that the event was only going to start for 1pm. But as any true motor sports fan knows, position is everything, and our elevated spot was right opposite the pit lane, with only some scaffolding and the track wall between us and the action.

Just before 1pm, there was some action on the main stage and an announcer appeared with the news that the show would get underway by 2.15pm. To help pass another hot hour, we resorted to filling a  2litre coke bottle with water and throwing the contents over ourselves, not pretty but very effective, plus my son had a great time trying to break the land speed record refilling it, just in case he missed something on the track, he is 11 by the way and super fast.

Finally at 2.30pm the announcer was back on the main stage and we were ready to go ...  First up was two-wheel extraordinaire Brian Capper riding his  KTM stunt bike at full tilt. Brian can do almost anything on his machine and we soon forgot the heat, and were on our feet cheering him on. Thanks to Brian I now have a potential stunt rider on my hands in the form of my son who was mesmerized.

Brian "the man" Capper
Next out was the beast we had all been waiting for.  There was no mistaking the tummy shaking, goose bump creating roar of the F1 engine as the Red Bull car, piloted by Neel Jani took to the track. Its first pass by was mind blowing. Watching F1 on TV gives you know idea of just how fast these beauties are traveling, and the noise... what can I say, it was scary, deafening, and at the same time most exhilarating sound I've ever heard.  It was over way to soon, but we were promised it would be back.

When the beast had retired to it's lair the amazing Ready D  D1S Driftsquad took to the track. We were treated to some spectacular burnouts by some brilliant drivers. As the whole event took part on the straight, Ready D and the boys couldn't show off their drifting skills, but if its half as good as their burnouts, we're be sure to catch one of their performances again.

Some track cleaning was in order, to ensure a smooth ride for the F1 car and then not a moment to soon the "beautiful noise" spilled out of the pits. This time round Neel not only clocked up some amazing track speeds but he also showed that a F1 car is definitely no slouch when it comes to  burnouts (and we have the video to prove it) Ears ringing we watched in awe as he threw the car around, turning on a dime. Way to soon it was over and the pit crew were on the track with fire hydrants spaying what was left of the tyre's to stop them igniting. Neel was hastily taken out the cockpit, and much to everyone's delight started tossing Red Bull caps into the stand. A suitable regal Audi with a sunroof took him on his "victory lap" where he stood waving a South African flag "what a boetjie!" 

I believe I heard at some stage that the F1 car was going to race the plane. Something must of gone astray with the timing as only when Neel was out of the car did the Red Bull plane come into sight. Pilot Glen Dell provided some fearless aerobatic stunts, worthy of the Red Arrows.

 I believe until now it's been a long 51 years since Cape Town has been treated to the sound of a F1 car in action. With Cape Towns bid safely in the running to host a race for the 2014 grand prix We can only hope and pray that we are selected. To see and hear 22 F1 cars screaming around a Cape Town street track would be unbelievable.

I think Sundays experience can best be summed up by a young man, who after hanging on to the side of the wall for the whole event, exclaimed in me ear "Now I can die happy!" and the bounced off with a grin from ear to ear...

Well done Red Bull awesome event!  fingers crossed next time we get to see these thoroughbreds competing on the all new Cape Town F1 track.

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