Tuesday 15 November 2011

Be one with Nature - Kirstenbosch Gardens

On a surprisingly warm Sunday (as Cape Town cant make up it's mind if it's Summer or Winter) We were invited to a family birthday party at Kirstenbosch Gardens. Having never been there before I was eager to experience what I have heard referred to a Natural wonder!. The large hat had to put in an appearance, picnic blanket under the arm and we were heading for the Gardens. I was not disappointed.  The gardens were an absolute celebration of South African flora - showcasing only indigenous South African plants. I have never seen so many beautiful Strelitzia in my life.

Hubby and I enjoyed a leisurely 2 hour walk about taking in the Fynbos, proteas, cycads and endless rolling lawns.We returned to our birthday spot just in time to cut the cake a witness our birthday boy sprinting around the lawns with his friends and his new bubbles.

This may be the shortest blog I've ever written, not because it wasn't a fantastic afternoon out - quite the opposite it was so tranquil and so relaxing, I hid under said big hat and actually fell asleep.

Will be back for another chilled afternoon soon !!! Hopefully catch a concert or Two next time we go

Sunday 6 November 2011

Sushi in style in the Northern Suburbs

The Platterkloof Village Shopping Center recently saw the opening of a stylish new Sushi restaurant called Blue Fin. Situated between Spur and Nando's Blue Fin boost a modern plush interior, Sushi Bar, Lounge area, smoking room and bar. Their current specials include half price sushi platters before 7pm and an eat as much as you like Sushi deal for R129.

It didn't take long for us to decide we needed to experience Blue Fin for ourselves. Hubby invited some good friends who are also Sushi lovers and the evening was on.

On arrival we were shown to our table by a very polite staff member. The first treat was the size and comfort of the chairs. Our waiter William was soon on the scene, for our drinks order. I was extremely impressed with the range on the menu, there was truly something for everyone, for a moment I was very tempted to try the Lamb, but in the end decided on one of the sushi platters as did my female friend.  Hubby and his friend opted for the eat as much as you like Sushi deal and we settled back in our comfy chairs for a bit of chit chat.

The eat as much as you like deal included spring rolls which arrived at the table within 5 minutes. The were awesome, juicy - not at all oily and very very tasty. In a very short time William arrived with the first of the guys orders and our platters. The presentation was stunning, there is just something so special about well made sushi - irresistible! Unlike other special's we have experienced  there was no skimping on the portions. In a word heavenly.

William was always on hand to top up wine glasses and bring the guys another round of sushi without being intrusive. Hubby tried some spicy tempura prawns (a first for him) and he was hooked.

After devouring enough sushi to feed a small army, the guys were more then satisfied. A lovely dessert tray made the rounds and our guest couldn't resist ending the evening with a home made ice cream selection and a very yummy looking chocolate pudding. My dessert was of the liquid variety, a sole warming jug of Saki beautifully served in an elegant Saki jug with matching cups.

Sadly it was time to leave, but we will most defiantly be back for more. Well done Blue Fin there's now no need to head off to the waterfront for great sushi, its right here on our doorstep.