Tuesday 15 November 2011

Be one with Nature - Kirstenbosch Gardens

On a surprisingly warm Sunday (as Cape Town cant make up it's mind if it's Summer or Winter) We were invited to a family birthday party at Kirstenbosch Gardens. Having never been there before I was eager to experience what I have heard referred to a Natural wonder!. The large hat had to put in an appearance, picnic blanket under the arm and we were heading for the Gardens. I was not disappointed.  The gardens were an absolute celebration of South African flora - showcasing only indigenous South African plants. I have never seen so many beautiful Strelitzia in my life.

Hubby and I enjoyed a leisurely 2 hour walk about taking in the Fynbos, proteas, cycads and endless rolling lawns.We returned to our birthday spot just in time to cut the cake a witness our birthday boy sprinting around the lawns with his friends and his new bubbles.

This may be the shortest blog I've ever written, not because it wasn't a fantastic afternoon out - quite the opposite it was so tranquil and so relaxing, I hid under said big hat and actually fell asleep.

Will be back for another chilled afternoon soon !!! Hopefully catch a concert or Two next time we go

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